Large-scale paintings us the landscape’s architecture as the template for color. Acrylic, charcoal, colored pencil and pastel on canvas. 2018 - present .
Large-scale color field abstractions of singular landscape monuments. Acrylic, graphite, charcoal, pastel, colored pencil on canvas. 2018 - present .
Studies of geological formations. Gouache on Bristol. 2022 - present.
Gouache on Bristol portraits of the Ucross Foundation. 2021.
Small-scale watercolor, ink and graphite landscapes, emphasizing the intimate moments of a whole. 2018 - present .
Small-scale and personal, graphite and charcoal, these works strive for the essence of the landscape. 2015.
Small-scaled works that explore the architecture of the Driftless Area of Western Wisconsin. Acrylics on panel. 2012-15.
Watercolor studies and their subsequent acrylic works of the Painted Desert in northeastern Arizona. 2009.
Acrylic on canvas paintings that seek to illustrate the relationships and disconnect between the human-worked agrarian and the natural spaces of western Wisconsin. 2007-2012.
MFA thesis concerning northwestern Ohio's drained swamp. Acrylic on canvas. 2005-06.
Intimate works about silence. Oil on linen. 2007.
Small oil on linen portraits of the five towns that make up the northern Italian coastal region of Cinque Terre. 2005.
Small-scale vignettes of Italy. Oil on canvas. 2004-05.